5 Questions I Hear EVVVERRRY Flight!

Lets be honest, the whole flying business is not really a new revolution.. People have actually been getting from A to B via plane for the last 100 years believe it or not! With the first commercial flight taking place way back when in 1914. Yet people still seem to get stuck on the same things! That being said I have decided to share my most commonly asked questions with you all, see if some of you may be guilty of these 😀

1. Whats that down there???

After awkwardly bending over 3 seats & 2 neighbouring passengers, who are often sleeping or eating, to try see what you are pointing at outside the window. I can 100% of the time safely say, I have no idea what that is 35,000ft below us.. No in fact I don’t even know what country we’re flying over.. You’ll be lucky if I know what country were actually flying to half of the time!

2. Will I make my connecting flight..?

Given the size of my handbag I don’t generally have enough room to pack my crystal ball in it, so on average I would most probably never know the answer to this. Sure, I can point out the time on my watch, the time on the ticket for your next flight, & tell you the difference between the two.. but I’m guessing you could do that too.. So for this one, your guess is as good as mine unfortunately.

3. How long will it take till we get there??

I now understand the frustration my parents felt every time I sat in the back seat of the car as a child asking.. Are we nearly there? How much longer? Unfortunately half the time cabin crew are so focused on delivering a great inflight service that we lose track of time, so when asked this I am very rarely on the ball and able to answer it! Lucky enough theres a lovely screen right in front of you with all this info at hand! Who would have thought it!

4. Wheres the spoon???

They joys of serving delicious tiny tubs of ice-cream in a metal tube in the air.. All the science that must have gone into allowing such a combination! Would you believe that the spoon is in fact under the lid.. Yes madness.. & you thought I was hiding it!

5. How do I open it??

Those dam lavatory doors, the sly engineering masterminds behind them have confused endless passengers taking to the sky.. Indeed most the time.. ALL of the time, they will say PUSH or PULL in big distinct writing on the door but none the less they are a tricky contraption!

Guilty of one or two? Don’t worry we all are!! Keep them coming  😀

Australia, New Zealand & South Africa!

So over the last 2 months I have been so lucky to spend so much time in the sunny southern hemisphere! Where the November & December chills that I’m used to don’t exist at all!! The last two months saw me visit Sydney & Aukland twice as well as South Africa. Since I am on reserve this month I have been waiting to see where I will be off to, only to be told at a few hours notice of where I will be headed for the new few days! Sometimes only finding out a few minutes before I head off on my journey, as is the case when you are on airport standby!


So my trip to Sydney was the first time I had ever been to Australia & it really lived up to all expectations! The place in itself is beautiful, but whats more is the atmosphere and the people! I really discovered why so many Irish people my age immigrate there and never return! The lifestyle is amazing. As I walked around early morning rush hour Sydney, I wasn’t met with the expected miles of traffic or angry commuters, but rather greeted by active energetic people commuting by ferry or foot to their day of work! On my first trip to Sydney I was lucky to have my very own tour guides! Two of my friends from Ireland who had made the move over there over this year, I immediately understood why they loved the place so much! I visited the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge and took a stroll through the botanical gardens the next morning as I went for a jog! I was lucky enough to visit just as the weather was becoming warm which made everything seem so idilic!  Below are some photos of my trip to Sydney 🙂

Beautiful Sydney by Night

I could say I had a ‘ferry’ nice time here 🙂

Sydney Harbour Bridge

& again by day

Stunning Opera House

New Zealand!

Straight from Sydney we went on to Aukland, NZ. Home to where the Lord of the Rings & the Hobbit were filmed! This place reminded me so much of home, greenery everywhere you looked and also a lot of rain to go with it! 🙂

We took a 40 minute ferry out to Waiheke Island on the outskirts of Aukland! Although on that day there was a lot of rain and clouds the island was beautiful and so picturesque. Waiheke is only a small island taking us about 20 minutes to travel from one side to the other by car but its full of beautiful vineyards and amazing landscape, I cant wait to visit again on a less rainy day 🙂 My photos are not the best as my camera was about to die but heres a little glimpse anyway

Sky Tower in Aukland

Sky Tower in Aukland

Ferry Ride to Waiheke



Waiheke Island

Waiheke Island



Windy Waiheke

Windy Waiheke



Ferry Ride back to Aukland

Ferry Ride back to Aukland

South Africa!

My beloved SA, as a teenager I was lucky enough to visit South Africa & since then it has remained a place that I find so beautiful. On my reserve month I got a last minute phone call telling me I was off to Johannesburg in South Africa! I was delighted to find out this would be where I was spending my Christmas Eve, if I cant be home for it at least I could spend it somewhere I loved! Again taking full advantage of the Summer down South we decided to visit one of Jo’burgs Lion Parks! I felt so lucky to spend the day here in such amazing surroundings! Below are some of the photos from my trip 🙂

We got to see the lions & other animals from the jeep without disturbing them

We got to see the lions & other animals from the jeep without disturbing them

Baby Lions :)

Baby Lions 🙂

Gisele's, Buffalo & Zebras were just some of the animals this park had!

Gisele’s, Buffalo & Zebras were just some of the animals this park had!

A beautiful male Lion

A beautiful male Lion

Mama Lion & her cubs

Mama Lion & her cubs

a lazy leopard

a lazy leopard

The lions were quite close to the jeep at times

The lions were quite close to the jeep at times

Zebra crossing :)

Zebra crossing 🙂

At the end we visited the cub cave where we could pet cub lions

At the end we visited the cub cave where we could pet cub lions

I still have a few weeks left of my reserve month but cannot wait to see where it brings me next! I hope you enjoyed reading & wish you an amazing New Year 🙂

Octobers travels…

Well the months are just flying by, there pops up that little pun once again :P!! its true though, It feels like not even a month ago I landed in Dubai, the planet of its own. In reality im now here 6 months! So I’m writing my October recap as I sit on the EK161 flight from Dublin to Dubai! I’ve just spent the last two weeks at home in Dublin for my University graduation! Such a wonderful two weeks but I promise to fill you in on that in my next post! ( PS so so so very odd being a passenger on a flight and not crew for once, that said I’m loving it!)

So back to October, well initially October’s roster didn’t knock the socks off me if I’m honest! Initially on my October roster was – Sao Paulo, Brazil x 2, Johannesburg South Africa, and THREE lovely Dublin flights – (YES 3, this part of the roster did put a big smile on my face in fairness) Now of course nothings ever certain in aviation, and this month I really experienced that, I got thrown a heap of last-minute changes to my roster, the crew listed on flights can change for tonnes of different reasons. So my whole roster basically got reshuffled, which was blessings in disguise and my month ended up being a lot of fun! So instead of my Jo’burg flight I was given a flight to Düsseldorf! Instead of my 1st Dublin I was given a flight to Lisbon. Instead of my 2 turnarounds I got to pick to go to Vienna ( My favorite City <3) & finally instead of my last Dublin I got airport Standby, which in turn ended up being an eventful Kuwait turnaround!

SO in the end I went from

3 Dublin’s

2 Sao Paulo’s

2 Turnarounds

1 Joburg

Toooo….. >

2 Sao Paulo’s

1 Düsseldorf

1 Dublin

1 Lisbon

1 Vienna

1 tiny Kuwait!

Lots of changes indeed However I really have to consider myself lucky to have gotten these 2, 14-hour flights, as cabin crew I feel these two long haul flights to Sao Paulo were more beneficial to my experience and knowledge than any other flight I have done! I really learned so much and gained so much experience and confidence on these flights. Also on my second trip of the month to SP, I was joined by two of my friends from Dubai who had joined Emirates with me on the same day! I really had so much fun on that trip, it was like I wasn’t even working.

Having my two friends there I suggested we go do a tour of Sao Paolo, a fellow crew members mother who works at giving the crew tours around the city had contacted me! A lovely lady named Fran, she brought us around this beautiful city (If you are Emirates crew traveling to SP & are looking for something to do I would 100% recommend contacting Fran, even If it’s not a tour you want to do she can tailor the day to what you had in mind) Anyway Fran picked us up with Brazilian treats in hand, some freshly squeezed Guava Juice, homemade cake, and other traditional treats. We firstly went to this amazing park in the centre of SP, we drank coconut milk straight from the coconut, saw a black swan & soaked in the sun in peace on this lovely day. Here I also visited a statue in honour of the first Europeans to visit SP & to inhabit the region, this monument was of particular interest to me as earlier in the month when I had visited Lisbon I had also visited a similar statue. Was so interesting to see where the Brazilian culture had derived from all within the one month. We then went on to visit St Paul’s cathedral in the middle of the city, such a big, beautiful, & impressive building, then onto a little breakfast shop for a bowl of acai, and some other delicious Brazilian treats. Then lastly onto what was for a long time SP’s tallest sky scraper, I must add we walked to these city center attractions and all the while the buzz and atmosphere within the city was exactly what you’d imagine; electric and contagious!


View from the top of one of Sao Paulo’s oldest sky scraper!


& again..


From the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral, Sao Paulo


St Pauls Cathedral SP



Jazz players on the streets of SP


A little R&R at the hotel in Brazil 🙂


My first time seeing a black Swan 🙂


From the top of this historic Sky Scraper we had a full 360 view of SP’s sky line, looking down on pedestrians like ants while choppers buzzed from rooftop to rooftop like wasps, was a surreal feeling!I really love the Brazilian people as a nationality, since I’ve started flying they seem to be one particular nationality I can relate to, they’re relaxed, polite and friendly. While only 20% of the population speak English they are really a lovely people to be around!

The next stop was a trip to Germany, a last-minute swap for Düsseldorf.. I have to confess on this instance I actually gave the site seeing a miss and opted to sight see Düsseldorf shopping district! ( after September’s experience in Düsseldorf can you blame me :P) Had a marvelous time shopping & really enjoyed being wrapped up in my winter woolies enjoying the cold in Germany!

I then visited Lisbon, Portugal. As Emirates only operate 1 flight per day here I was quite lucky to get given this flight! More lucky than I even realized at the time. Having lived in Europe my whole life, visiting cities such as Madrid, Paris, Rome, London, was quite a frequent thing to do, however Lisbon never once entered my mind. I’m sure im not the only one who overlooks Lisbon when deciding where to go on their city breaks, but believe me we have been missing out! The place is a cultural goldmine! Every inch of the city looks like it has been standing still in time for the last 60-100 years. The buildings are soaked with decorative architecture and elegance, the streets are alive with culture, the food is mouth-watering and there is so much history to indulge in!


10712809_10152798441513428_389056718512906564_n Jerónimos Monastery,


Amazing Eggtarts from Pateis de Belem


Monument of the Discoveries



View of Lisbon from the top


In the distance you can see a monument which is the exact same as the Christ the Redeemer monument in Rio Brazil!

View from the top of Monument of the Discoveries


Lisbon City Streets

Lisbon City Streets



I really cannot wait to return, we started the trip with a visit to one of the most famous shops in all of Lisbon, ‘Pateist de Belem’ where they sell these life changing egg tarts, I spare no exaggeration when I say that, nor when I say the queue stretched around the corner at any time of the day! After treating ourselves to these little tastes of Portugal we went on to see Jerónimos Monastery and then took a trip up the Belem Tower monument, ( same monument as I mentioned while talking above about SP) From the top of this monument we could see all of the beautiful coastline. It really took my breath away. We wandered around soaking in the seaside and its views then pottered into the center of the city and soaked in the laid back easygoing culture we had a traditional Portuguese dinner in a quaint restaurant down a side street of lovely Lisbon’s capital.

Then it was finally time for my trip home! Perhaps one of the funnest part of this flight was the 4 other irish girls I got to work with in economy on this flight ( the Irish mafia we were called) we literally had a ball! Was the most fun flight ever, too many Irish phrases a being flung about I felt sorry for the 2 other non irish crew!

I finished the month with a trip to my favourite city, the AMAZING Vienna! The crew & I decided to visit the Schönbrunn Palace, no matter how many times I see Vienna it still takes my breath away, honestly can’t describe how much I love this city! The palace is phenomenal, here are some pictures to try show you how stunning it is however they don’t come close to doing it justice!


Schönbrunn Palace


Schönbrunn Palace from the top


Great way to spend a Sunday Morning 🙂


Schönbrunn Palace


Enjoying the view with the crew 🙂


So pretty even on a rainy day


SO that was my October! hope you’ve enjoyed reading!





I had so much fun flying in September.. I got served an equal dose of layovers and turn arounds so I got to spend a good bit of time in Dubai which was fun!!

I started off the month in Sao Paulo, Brazil! This was the longest flight I’ve done so far, a crazy 14 hours!! Now of course within these 14 hours you are allocated rest time! Rest time or your break is the same as in any other job you have to legally have some sort of break within your shift, the exact amount of time varies from flight to flight. A little unknown part of the plane called the CRC is where we spend our rest time! The CRC is allocated in different parts of the plane depending on the aircraft type, if you check out my Facebook you’ll see I recently posted a link about it! Anyway the CRC is my new favourite place to sleep, I think I could happily fly around doing long haul flights solely so I can sleep in the CRC, something so relaxing about it, I especially love when its a little turbulent! I sleep like a baby!!

Anyway Sao Paulo is such a huge city with over 10 million people there its buzzing, on my trip there we went and experienced the traditional Brazilian BBQ food and the amazing Caprihanas, brazils national cocktail!! Of course no trip to Brazil would be complete without a visit to the Havaiana store! I also have been rostered Sao Paulo for October again so I plan to see a little bit more of it when I return next time!!

Caipirinha Cacha - National cocktail of Brazil! So Yummy!

Caipirinha Cacha – National cocktail of Brazil! So Yummy!

My next stop was Zurich, Switzerland! Which was amazing as I got to experience Spring in Sao Paulo on a Sunday, Summer in Dubai on a Wednesday and Fall in Zurich on a Friday, 3 seasons in one week. I only really realised it when walking around Sao Paulo I noticed budding daffodils that you only see in Spring time, then in Zurich I embraced my inner 5 year old whilst jumping on crunchy falling leaves!

Sunny Day on Lake Zurich

While I was in Zurich I joined the crew on a boat tour of Lake Zurich, we were so lucky to have gotten there on a beautiful clear sunny day, the boat ride was about 2 and a half hours and it took us all around Lake Zurich, Zurich is such a beautiful little place, I feel like in some parts it has just stood still in time the quaint quintessential swiss houses upon the hillsides and the  beautiful old styled buildings throughout the city. We finished the day off by enjoying the best Bratwurst Zurich has to offer in one of the oldest restaurants in Zurich the Zeughauskeller! I think I somewhat over indulge on pork on European layovers but it’s too good to resist!

Our view from the boat..

Lake Zurich

Lake Zurich






The Swiss flag hanging from a street in Zurich

After Zurich I had Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! I really was shocked at how much there is to do in Malaysia, KL is such a beautiful city full of culture and atmosphere! While I was there I visited the Batu Caves and the Petronas Towers. The Batu Caves are a series of caves found inside a mountain/hill, surrounding these caves and even inside them you’ll find a collection of Hindu Temples. The caves alone are magnificent but when paired with these beautiful Hindu temples they are really something special. You must walk up a huge flight of stairs to reach the caves, on your walk up you’re joined by a dozen little monkeys. Don’t be fooled though I made the mistake of venturing up with a coffee in hand and was cornered by this tiny monkey until I gave it to him.


Muruga statue outside the Batu Caves


My little coffee stealing friend


Inside the caves


Hindu shrine

Finally i finished my month in Dusseldorf Germany, I had never been here before, but most of the other crew I was travelling with had been there and they wanted to go to the near by city of Cologne instead, having never been there either I said I would join them. However the next morning I ended up sleeping in far too late and had missed them, so i decided to head into Dusseldorf alone as it was only 15 minutes from the hotel. I took the train into the city and stupidly left the map the concierge gave me on the train, none the less I ventured into the city thinking I was sure to find an information centre at some point. After a little while of searching and no information center I spotted a group of people whom I presumed to be tourists slowly walking, taking their time and enjoying the city, the group were quite elderly and looked like one gentleman was leading them (I presumed a tour guide). I thought great, I’ll follow behind this group and at least I’ll get to see some sort of tourist spots. They walked through the city which was very quiet being mid Sunday morning, down some lovely streets, passing beautiful buildings and shops, then to the river where they walked along and saw some boats pass by, then they stopped at this beautiful big old church, I whipped out the camera and began taking pictures a few minutes later I turned and my group of tourists had gone. Oblivious to what day it was I thought they maybe had gone inside the big church to have a look around, maybe there was a tour of the church or something I could go and see inside. So I found a door on the side of the church and decided to head in. I pushed the big old wooden door open with a loud screech from the rusty hinges, only to find myself standing at the front row of pews and had walked in in the middle of the Priest delivering a Mass. The entire place looked at me and I had no choice but to scoot my but onto the nearest seat and sit through 40 minutes of a Catholic mass in German! The whole crew found this hilarious when I told them and its something only I would be so clueless to end up doing! My lesson learnt from Germany is not all groups of elderly people slowly walking through a city are tourists 😀


The river Rhine


The centre of Dussledorf


Great spot for a Sunday Mass..

I really enjoyed September such lovely destinations with so many lovely people! Loving my job more with every roster! 😀

Thanks for reading



So my first month of flying was amazing!! I saw so many places and worked with such amazing people.. Here are some snaps and a round up of my layovers in August…

I started the month in Lagos, Nigeria, unfortunately with the current Ebola outbreak among other factors we were not advised to leave the hotel, so I didn’t get to see too much of Lagos. However sometimes the people you end up meeting or working with on these flights turn out better than getting to see the place itself, this was very much the case in Lagos where I spent the evening with lovely crew enjoying delicious food & drinks!

The next stop was Vienna, Austria! This place absolutely WOW’d me, I absolutely love classical architecture in buildings, walking through Vienna you get to walk back in time in this city soaked in culture. Below are just a few photos from walking through the city in Vienna,

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There are so many sights to see in Vienna that I cannot wait to go back and see some more!

The next stop was Singapore, which totally took me by surprise. I hadn’t really looked into Singapore so when we got there we decided to do a Hop on Hop off bus tour to take us around the city! Singapore was a wonderful city, we stopped at a place called Marina Bay, which I can’t even describe, then took a walk around a place called the Gardens by the Bay, finished with a little stroll through China town. The city is outstanding, there is so much to do and see here it would make a great holiday spot!




The Marina Bay Sands Hotel..

The Marina Bay Sands Hotel..

View from the top!

View from the top!

Gardens by the Bay..

Gardens by the Bay..


Madrid!! Having been in Spain so many times I had totally underestimated Madrid and hadn’t expected to be so amazed by the beauty and buzzing atmosphere in Madrid. The city is full of amazing buildings and architecture, it was right up my street!

10420041_10152669371928428_4739572759983957920_n 10574402_10152669372708428_1167729092385758738_n 10622890_10152669369038428_7546045559097743414_n

The last stop in August was Shanghai!! I was so so excited for China it was the one place I really couldn’t wait to see, unfortunately I got really ill on the flight over and had to spend 3 days cooked up in the hotel, so China is yet to be seen for me! However the hotel was beautiful, if anyone has seen the film Her it was the same hotel where that was filmed!


From this first month of flying I’ve realised just how amazing this job is, and how lucky I am to have it. Its a lot of work for sure and I don’t always have a lot of time to myself (thus the lack of blog) but I am enjoying every second of it nd know I will quickly get used to the hectic lifestyle!

Thanks for reading, I promise more regular posts from now on 😀



First Stop… BANGKOK!!

So at the end of 8 long weeks of training and induction I will finally get to board an aircraft as Emirates cabin crew!!! I recently found out this will be to Bangkok!!! Bangkok is a 6 and a half hour flight, with a 24h layover! So plenty of time for a massage and some sight seeing! Im also so excited as a friend from my batch (group of people you do training with) is also going to be on this flight with me!

China Town Bangkok! 😀

These flights are called your supernumerary flights, or supy flights as they are also known.. Supernumerary means exceeding the usual number, so as the word implies on these flights you are an extra & not actually on duty yet. Its a chance to get an understanding of how things work, ask questions and get a feel for what will be your job for the next however long! Of course when on board I will look like an Emirates cabin crew, wearing the uniform and assisting with whatever duties! So after our first 2 soupy flights the real work begins and we then have the actual official flights!

I won’t get my roster for these until the end of the month but will keep you updated 😀



Becoming Emirates Cabin Crew…


So this post is all about my journey to becoming Cabin Crew for Emirates.. I know a lot of blogs have peoples experiences of their recruitment process and the whole thing.. Since being recruited I have had so many people who are interested in becoming Cabin Crew, ask me what was the process like, and any tips I had regarding the process, so this is a little cover of how my experience went…


So I had become aware that Emirates were hiring from the Facebook ads that kept popping up on my newsfeed, I thought about it at this point but didn’t really know if it was a realistic goal for me, I had never worked as Cabin Crew before not to mention my slight fear of flying. ( Funny Story!! I may do a follow up post with more info on this!!) On top of that I wasn’t sure about moving away from home, especially half way across the world. It wasn’t until one of my best friends from college, who also had saw the recruitment ads, encouraged me to go for it! I was easily swayed and we went to the open day, from the time I filled in the online application the thought of the job, lifestyle and adventure became more and more appealing to me. I read hundreds of Cabin Crew blogs online, watched Youtube videos, and really did my research I began to really, really want it and I began to realise it would be something I could be really good at too! So that was how my interest started in the job and I’m so glad for all the factors and especially for my friend who encouraged me to the whole way through ❤

The Process Itself..

The recruitment process was long, and it was nerve wrecking at times too. There is a lot of waiting involved but it gives you time to figure out if you are right for this and if you really want it, because it is such a huge life change that you need to be sure. I would highly recommend going for it though if you are interested, even if you don’t get through, the assessment and interview process itself is so good, really good experience to have.

It starts at the open day.. This is basically just a short presentation followed by a CV drop, the presentation informs you of the job, the lifestyle of Dubai and what its like in general. What I liked about the presentation was that the recruiters set a realistic view of the job. A lot of people perceive it to be all glamour and fail to see the amount of work that goes on in the background so at the open day they made it clear that there is a lot of hard work that goes into this job and its not all glamour!

After the presentation you go up in order to the recruiters and drop off your CV, you have about 1 minute maybe less at this point, where the recruiters will make sure you have no visible tattoos etc. ask a few questions about what you’re currently doing and ensure you have the form filled out correctly. After this you leave and if you are successful on getting into the next round, you receive a call on the same day.


I just want to say at this point, if you don’t get through the First day don’t be disheartened! The recruiters see SO many faces in a day and sometimes you may just slip through! I have a friend who went for it once and never even got a call back after the open day, then went for another open day a few months later and just received her golden call yesterday!! If its meant for you it won’t pass you so don’t be discouraged and do try again!!


Then you are onto the assessment day, at this point they have filtered down the open day to less than half the numbers and they do 2 assessment activities on the day, these are generally team work activities to see how you interact, how you carry yourself, and how you approach and handle situations. I don’t want to expand too much on these as I am sure they change all the time so my experience wouldn’t necessarily be the same as yours will be. However just be yourself through all of this, take time to calm yourself if you’re feeling nervous and listen to what they’re asking of you!

Once you are finished with the first activity you will be waiting a while then you receive a small piece of paper telling you you have made it to the second part of the day, another group activity. After that you wait quite a while again and get another little slip which tells you if you have been successful in securing an interview or not. In my case there were only two activities on this day but I am not sure if this is always the case, there may be more.

The interview; you are told on the same day as the assessments that you are through to the interview, they arrange the interviews within the next few days but will allow for a later interview when they are next back to your area if you cannot make, it so don’t worry! You have to bring a lot of documents to the interview, photos etc but you will be told exactly what to bring before the interview. The interview itself is quite long mine was nearly over an hour but it is really thorough and the recruiters are really lovely! I’d imagine the questions are different for everyone depending on what they are trying to assess from you. In my case they covered the normal interview related topics, past work experiences etc.. I would say have a few examples ready, this is always a good thing to incorporate in any interview so try think of examples of times you think may be relevant to the interview from your past experiences!

Then theres the long wait for the golden call.. when you do finally get the golden call theres a lot of paperwork and medicals to be filled out so make sure you’re thorough and honest in all of these! Try get them uploaded on time so as not to delay your joining date!!

My Tips!

SO some tips I would recommend for the process, just to help you stand out a bit and deal with the whole process.

  • Look The Part. Emirates Cabin Crew always have immaculate make up, perfectly placed hair and carry themselves with poise. So it only makes sense to act this way during the recruitment stage.
  • Dress-code. Wear business attire through the whole process even the open day, a nice skirt (no higher than just below the knee), a nice blouse or shirt (make sure its not transparent) and a suit jacket or blazer. Also opt for a heeled dark shoe as well. (If you’re not good at heels a maybe try a low heel or practise walking around your house in heels for the few days before the open-day.)
  • Hair. Have your hair neatly back off your face in a professional twist or doughnut bun ( if you’re not sure how to do the hairstyles theres so many examples from youtube you can practise.)
  • Make Up. Wear professional looking make up, mascara, foundation and of course the red lippy! Try stay away from bright eye colours or false lashes! These will not look professional.
  • Tattoos. Visible tattoos for Emirates Crew are not permitted. Visible being anywhere you can see while in the Emirates Cabin Crew uniform. Arms, neck, wrists, legs, feet… They don’t adhere to uniform and image standards and you are not permitted to use bandages or cover up so it is a No no for them.
  • Height. The minimum height is 212cm arm reach whilst standing on tip toes! If you’re unsure of this, get someone to measure this height out for you on a wall or doorpost and see if you can reach it. Especially if you’re short as they do require you to do a reach test at some stage during the recruitment process!
  • Age. You have to be minimum age of 21 to apply for Emirates Cabin Crew so if you’re under the age requirement just be patient, they are always recruiting!
  • Smile. It is so important to keep a smile on your face during interviews or recruitment processes, as nervous as you may be you need to look the part so be conscious of your facial expression and try to smile.
  • Photos. You’re asked to bring photos at a few points along the recruitment process, some will be passport photos and some will be full length. For the passport I had my hair back make up on and red lipstick. I also smiled in these photos, some places will tell you not to smile but I think its good to smile for these ones. The full length ones should be in appropriate clothing and environment, maybe get someone to take a few for you on a plain back round if you don’t have any. Simple modest teeshirt and jeans is usually a good choice of clothing for these photos.
  • Respect. One of the great things about Emirates is the level of diversity and culture you are submerged into, remember that Dubai is a muslim country and in the Muslim religion respect is so important. This should carry through with you in whatever you do, so be conscious of this throughout your process! I’d recommend researching the Muslim culture and religion to understand the context of life in Dubai for your own benefit too.
  • Be Confident. Its important in any interview process to be yourself! If you don’t believe you can get the job then nobody else will either!
  • Be Patient. There is a lot of waiting around during the process and even more waiting after when you’re waiting for your golden call, I was lucky and heard back within 2 weeks but a lot of people wait months for a call back, this is just because of the volume of people who Emirates interview so sit tight and be patient don’t give up hope!
  • Enjoy it! As I said the recruitment process is a great experience you can really benefit from it in terms of interview experience and getting to know yourself so take it all in and enjoy it. The recruiters are lovely and are really good at their job, so if it is meant for you they will spot you! Its normal to be nervous before interviews but just take a breath and relax the best thing you can do is be yourself!

Thanks for reading guys if you have any questions feel free to comment & let me know!! 🙂
